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The First Digital Technology Building in Canada

Время: 22/05/2024Источник: АнонимныйТекущее местоположение Домой>>Статьи

Simon Tang, Director of ABB-FG Introducing the Project Future
Reported by Su Qing, journalist from China Cultural Figures

GV Digital Technology Building

GV Digital Technology Building Future Aerial View

Chinese Cultural Figures (Su Qing, Journalistg) On the afternoon of May 19, 2024, a signing ceremony of special significance was held at Visionary Tower in Toronto. Visionary Holding Group's CEO, Mr. Zhong Chen, and Simon Tang, Director of ABB-FG from the United States, signed a cooperation agreement. Both parties will collaborate to transform and upgrade Visionary's two buildings located at 95-105 Moatfield Dr, Toronto, Ontario into the "GV Digital Technology Building."
ABB-FG will use cutting-edge digital technology and specialized securitization laws to register various real-world assets (RWA) with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission under Reg. D/S/A+. These assets will be supported by the most reliable public blockchain and token platforms and will be listed for uninterrupted trading on major global digital asset exchanges (ATS). After digitizing and securitizing the properties at 95-105 Moatfield Dr, ABB-FG will facilitate their global trading on ATS, significantly enhancing the value of these properties. This will also rapidly boost Visionary's own economic growth, advancing Visionary's industries toward internet-based, digital, and intelligent operations. The transformation will reduce operational costs, improve user experience, and increase industry revenue, positioning Visionary as a pioneer in Canada's digital economy.
Additionally, Visionary plans to apply for planning approval from the City of Toronto to develop the vacant land at 95-105 Moatfield Dr. The plan includes the construction of three additional buildings, creating a digital technology complex with a total building area of 1.5 million square feet, seamlessly integrating five buildings with complementary functions. This project aims to establish a landmark for Toronto's digital economy, contributing to the development of new models for digital economic growth and industrial upgrading in Canada.
In the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, digital technology will reshape the global economic and industrial landscape, becoming a strategic high ground for competition among nations and enterprises. It is a crucial engine for global economic development and a key accelerator for innovation breakthroughs in fields such as biotechnology, energy, new materials, and artificial intelligence. Visionary's future will focus on three core industries: biotechnology, new energy, and anti-aging products. We believe that the transformation and upgrading of these real estate properties will have a significant impact on the development of Visionary's three core industries.

(Executive Editors: Zhang Yan, Liu Sheng)


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